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Claremont McKenna College
Claremont McKenna College is a private liberal arts college based in California. Known for its small school size and selective admission process, Claremont is a member of the elite Claremont Colleges Consortium.
Claremont is the quintessential liberal arts college when it comes to investment banking recruiting; the per-student statistics are strong, but students may lack alumni to network with given the small school size.
Claremont ranks #32 overall on our investment banking target school list, earning a designation as lower semi-target school.
Claremont is also home to the Robert Day School of Economics and Finance, which offers educational programs for graduate students.

We note that Claremont boasts an incredible Undergrad Placement % of 1.77%, which makes it the 5th based school on this metric. This indicates that finance hopefuls from Claremont may have a strong chance of placing into investment banking.
However, Claremont has a weak Presence score, suggesting that there is not very good representation at every investment bank. This is a logical outcome given the school's very small student body.

Our investment banking target school list is a complete rank of 60 schools and analyzed >60k LinkedIn profiles of professionals who worked in investment banking between 2008 and 2023. We filtered the data to examine U.S. hires into the top investment banks.
If you are trying to get a top finance job, check out our highly reviewed private equity and investment banking courses, which help thousands of people get into finance every year.
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Investment Banking Placement

School Factsheet
Established: 1946
Location: Claremont, California
Business School Name: Robert Day
# of Undergrads: 1,146 per U.S. News
President: Hiram E. Chodosh
National Liberal Arts Colleges (U.S. News): #9